“You become things, you become an atmosphere, and if you become it, which means you incorporate it within you, you can also give it back. You can put this feeling into a picture. A painter can do it. And a musician can do it and I think a photographer can do that too and that I would call the dreaming with open eyes.”

Ernst Haas

Black and White Wedding Photography

10 minutes, 150 words, 1 photo, 21 days. That was Spencer’s challenge for all of us in Andrew’s group, to see it as an empowering and learning experience. Well, this is post 21, and I have to dedicate it to my colleagues and friends who have made my life a little richer in friendship and recognition. Since I was expecting the birth of my son in February 2015, these guys appeared out of nowhere and filled an enormous gap with ease. They provided me with recognition by my peers, and I recognize them as equals. I find it very hard to maintain daily communication with a blog or social media. I was always a very discreet guy despite my hyperactive character. But what attracted me to this challenge was the method or difficulty in maintaining some sort of discipline, something I have in my photographic technique but lack in my social media. Photography for me is all about expression. The light is just the sounds or words that I use.

João de Medeiros

Black and White Wedding Photography

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