familia 001-2

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” Ansel Adams

Joana and her family have become an integral part of my life, sharing in the unique moments that we’ve experienced together. Their presence in my life is something I hold dear, and I am filled with a sense of pride every time I think about them.

I could share with you the stories behind all the families I’ve had the opportunity and honor to document. Each family has its own narrative, filled with trials and tribulations, sacrifices, and the enduring strength that binds them together, generation after generation. These stories are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unbreakable bonds of family.

I could stir your emotions, painting vivid pictures with my words that would transport you into their world. You might find yourself relating to their experiences, or imagining what it must have been like for them. Words have the power to spark our imagination, allowing us to visualize scenarios based on our own life experiences.

Alternatively, I could show you a frozen moment in time, a snapshot that I’ve captured with my camera. In these moments, I’ve strived to reveal to future generations the essence of who they were, and how they expressed their innermost feelings when it mattered the most.

In either case, whether through words or images, what you’ll get is an incomplete glimpse of what life really is and was. It’s a fragment, a sliver of reality seen through the lens of my perspective. It’s inherently biased and can never fully encapsulate the complexity and richness of life.

Yet, despite its limitations, I believe it’s worth it. These glimpses, however incomplete, offer us a chance to connect with each other, to understand different perspectives, and to appreciate the beauty and diversity of human experience. They remind us of our shared humanity, and in doing so, they make our own lives richer and more meaningful.

João de Medeiros

Venue: Casa do Egipto 

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