Available Light Photography wedding

“Living in a time of the increasing struggle of the mechanization of man, photography has become another example of this paradoxical problem of how to humanize, how to overcome a machine on which we are thoroughly dependent… the camera…”

– Ernst Haas

Indeed, every tool we use, whether it’s a camera, a paintbrush, or a pen, is simply a medium to express what we see or what we want others to see. These tools are extensions of our senses, allowing us to capture and share our unique perspectives of the world. They enable us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and experiences in ways that words alone cannot.

However, it’s also true that some tools offer more than just functionality. They offer a level of extension of ourselves, a way to project our inner thoughts, feelings, and visions onto the canvas of reality. These tools become more than just objects; they become part of our identity, intertwined with our personal and creative growth.

With experience and time, each of us finds the right tool that resonates with our vision. This journey of discovery is deeply personal and unique to each individual. It’s a process of trial and error, of exploration and learning. We experiment with different tools, learn their strengths and weaknesses, and understand how they can best serve our creative needs.

Eventually, we find that one tool that feels just right. The one that complements our skills, aligns with our vision, and empowers us to express ourselves most authentically. This tool becomes our ally, our partner in the creative process, enabling us to bring our visions to life in the most vivid and impactful way.

Yet, the search for the right tool is never truly over. As we grow and evolve, so do our needs and visions. We might find new tools that better suit our changing perspectives, or we might discover new ways to use our old tools. The journey of creativity is a continuous one, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth.

In the end, the tools we use are just that – tools. They are means to an end, not the end itself. The true power lies not in the tool, but in the artist wielding it. It’s the artist’s vision, passion, and skill that breathe life into the tool, transforming it from a mere object into a conduit for creativity. And that, in essence, is the beautiful interplay between the artist and their tools.

Venue: Casa de Serralves, Porto

DJ: MusicBox

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