
“I had chosen to use my work as a reflection of my values.”

– Sidney Poitier

The people that stay with me are those that passionately defend what they believe is true. The same that see the power of education and how in this fast paced world we need to invest in it more than ever. It brings enlightenment, power, transcendence, but above all Freedom. Freedom to choose, to live and even the very freedom to learn. Because everything is possible you just have to look for the impossible. A fascinating example of two very rich cultures coming together, the vast, rich and ancient Persian and the defiant celt dancing surrounded by other 23 different cultures in a wedding that really gave meaning to the words United Nations. When you know that the right thing to do everyday, is to stand for what you believe is good and fight for it, life and living gains a stronger purpose. Never retreat or we might lose the best things we have.

João de Medeiros

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